What Kinds of Touch
I Offer?
Therapy Do
Structural Integration
Structural Integration (SI) is a whole-body educational undertaking in which you and I work closely together to cultivate sustainable body alignment, reclaiming connection with your full being, so you can embody the person you truly want to be.
This approach to bodywork involves deeply effective touch therapy that is both relaxing and energizing. My skillful touch affects all body tissues but especially targets the fascial system—the connective and structural fabric of the entire body and richest network of sensory reception. I use my touch to have a conversation with your structure, increasing your self-awareness, and allowing your nervous system to perceive the world in new ways.​​​​​

​​​Structural Integration is a pathway to creating long-lasting physical change and personal growth. A key part of this work involves your active participation as you inquire into how you relate with your body and environment, explore new movement possibilities, and adapt your life to better reflect the wellness you want to have.
The most powerful way to experience SI bodywork is to receive the crafted series of 11 sessions that systematically address the relationships between structures of the body. Rather than chasing symptoms, SI helps your whole body function in harmony, so any pain or injury you’re experiencing can truly move toward resolution.
​​​​​​​​We begin the 11-series seeking to open space between layers, allowing for more freedom of movement, and creating availability for a supportive foundation. In the middle of the series, we’ll focus on developing a more responsive core, decreasing sense of effort and increasing tensional balance. During the final sessions, we stimulate connection and flow between the many components of your being, fostering changes that continue to evolve after treatment conclusion. While each session has a “recipe” of goals and body regions to address, all the work is individualized to your needs.
Structural Integration can be performed with pregnant bodies, although some modifications will likely be necessary depending on the stage of pregnancy. SI is a great way to prepare and empower you during your pregnancy and can effectively support you during the physically demanding post-natal years.
Pregnancy Massage
Pregnancy is a time of exciting (and tiring!) change. While your body grows an entire new human, you deserve to nurture yourself further.
Massage during the perinatal period can help:
reduce stress
ease muscle aches and cramps
improve blood and lymph flow
manage swelling
alleviate stress on joints
support the immune system
reduce prenatal complications
improve body awareness (which can be especially helpful during the birth process)
Most of all, receiving individualized care during this time helps you have more to give to your baby and yourself.​
Post-natal massage is also a great way to support your body that’s doing so much to care for baby.
Massage can help you:
recover from birth
ease shoulder and neck tension from constantly holding that bundle of joy
facilitate the healing of injuries such as C-section scars, diastasis recti, and pelvic floor dysfunctions.​

My Story
I received the Structural Integration 11-series sometime after birthing my first child. This collaborative bodywork helped me foster a healthy relationship with myself. Honestly, it was pretty scary to be spending so much money on myself, but I realized that it wasn't just about me. Tending to myself in this way helped me to be the mom and wife and friend I wanted to be.
My Educational Training
2012 B.S. Molecular Environmental Biology with emphasis in Animal Behavior
at UC Berkeley
2015 Massage Licensure after completion of professional massage program
at Discoverypoint School of Massage
2016 Mentorship, Integrated Advanced Techniques for Holistic Therapeutic Outcomes (including Intra-Oral Endorsement)
with Dawn Schmidt, LMT
2018 Certified Personal Trainer- Restorative Exercise Specialist
with Nutritious Movement®
2020- Present: Education Coordinator (Volunteer)
with North Cascades Massage Connections
2022 Rolling Along the Anatomy Trains
with Tom Myers and Jill Miller
2022 Manual Neurovascular Release: Neck, "Roots of Arms," Upper Thorax
with Kieran Schumaker, BCSI
2022 Soma Essentials: Somassage® Workshop
at Soma Institute of Structural Integration®
2022 Perinatal Massage Therapy Specialist
with Laurie Levy, LMT
2024 Soma Structural Integration
at Soma Institute of Structural Integration®